services plan reading

Civil/Site Engineering

Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. (JBE) is a full-service civil engineering and land surveying design firm with in-house staff including wetland scientist, septic system designers, Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control, Certified Professionals in Storm Water Quality and experienced construction inspectors. We typically begin with review of the tax map and municipal zoning to provide a concept plan for client review of every residential or commercial project.  If the client approves the design, we move next to property survey and engineering site design.  Applications are submitted to the municipality and state agencies to obtain regulatory review and approval of the project.

Many projects require design creativity throughout this process to maximize lot layout and site efficiency.  This may include low impact drainage design features, such as porous pavement and bioretention elements.

After approvals are secured, we assist our clients with construction administration services, including bond estimates, contractor bidding, periodic construction inspections, final punchlist and project close-out. This phase is critical to ensure that the client obtains maximum property value.


* Conceptual Site Design and Feasibility Studies

* Commercial and Industrial Site Plans

* Residential Subdivision Plans

* State and Federal Approvals for Wetlands, Shoreland, Alteration of Terrain, Drainage/Storm Water, Groundwater Discharge, and DOT Driveway/Traffic Motion

* Stormwater Analysis and Hydraulic Studies

* Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Manuals

* Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Subsurface Effluent Disposal Systems

* Wastewater and Water System Design

* Municipal Engineering Review & Inspection Services

* Roadway Design

* Low Impact Design (LID) and Porous Pavement Drainage Design

* Property Condition Assessment Reports for Mobile Home Communities

* Wetland Delineations and Assessments

* Site Location Development Approvals

* US EPA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) & Notice of Intent (NOI)

* Septic System Design for Commercial & Residential

* Septic System Inspections and Site Assessments

* Pump Station Design

* Consultation & Construction Oversight

Land Surveying

With more than 40 years of experience, the multi-disciplined staff of Jones & Beach Engineers will successfully lead the effort of your land surveying needs. Provided in a timely manner, this information will not only govern the initial direction of your project, but can be critical to its successful completion.

Our professional expertise will assist you in gaining a thorough understanding of your property’s existing conditions and help to increase the potential value and marketability of your land. The Jones & Beach Survey Department is comprised of a Licensed Land Surveyor, two survey field crews, a Certified Wetland Scientist, highly-trained CAD Drafters, and qualified Office Support.


* Boundary Surveys

* ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys

* Topographic Survey

* Aerial Control and Coordination with Aerial Mapping Companies

* Existing Conditions Property Surveys

* Legal Descriptions

* Plot Plans, Flood Elevation and Foundation Certificates

* Lot Line Adjustments

* Roadway and Utility Route Surveys

* Robotic Instrument Surveys

* As-Built Surveys

* Global Positioning System (GPS) Instruments Surveys (Sub-Centimeter Accuracy)

* Construction Survey Layout

* Steel Building Layout for Baselines and Bolt Patterns

* Conservation Easement Plans

* Condominium Site & Floor Plans

Construction Management

Construction and contract management provide invaluable tools for clients. Field Construction and Inspection Services are regularly provided by Jones & Beach to assist our clients with the day-to-day construction management tasks of their sitework.

From ground-breaking to completion, we focus on fast turn-around and an unwavering commitment to quality to help ensure that your project runs smoothly and on-schedule.

Our team is extremely competent in the areas of road and site construction management and inspection, including roadway, drainage, fire cisterns, water and sewer systems, and subsurface effluent disposal systems.


* Preparation and Solicitation of Construction Documents & Specifications

* Bond Estimates for Construction

* Shop Drawing and Submittal Review

* Construction Management and Inspections

* Geotechnical Review and Interpretation

* DOT and EPA SWPPP Inspections

* Construction Survey Layout

* As-Built Surveys

* Bond Reductions

* Porous Pavement Inspections

* Inspection of Stormwater Management Facilities and Systems

* Pavement Evaluations for Residential and Commercial Developments

* Infrastructure Evaluation Studies for Condominium or Commercial Developments, including: roads, parking areas, on-site sanitary sewer and water systems, storm water, utilities

Sanitary Sewer & Septic Design

Jones & Beach Engineers regularly designs residential and commercial subsurface effluent disposal systems in New Hampshire for single-family homes, multi-family condominiums, mobile home parks, and commercial projects. This involves meeting with the client to determine design parameters (such as number of bedrooms, size and use of the residential or commercial building), witnessing test pits, topographic field survey, design layout (including pump system, if necessary), and application preparation with submission to municipal and state agencies. When needed, we provide construction bidding and inspection services to ensure proper installation to meet the client’s needs.

We have six NH Licensed Septic System Designers (two of whom are also Professional Engineers), one NH Licensed Septic System Evaluator, and three NH Licensed Septic System Installers on staff. We are well-experienced to meet your needs.


* Residential System Designs

* Commercial System Designs

* Mobile Home Park System Design and Upgrade reconstruction

* Large Systems (Greater than 2,500 GPD, P.E. Review Required)

* Evaluation Inspections and Reports with Recommendations for Improvements to Existing On-Site System Infrastructure

* Test Pit Evaluations to Provide Recommendations for Development Potential

* Sewer Pump Station Design

* Individual Lot Site Assessments


Environmental Permitting

Jones & Beach routinely evaluates sites for development potential to include wetland and other environmental constraints. Our in-house Certified Wetland Scientist can be on-site next week to meet your needs. Our in-house field survey staff will locate wetland flags immediately to continue the site development process.

We complete necessary forms and applications on the local and state level for wetland impacts of single-family residential driveways, impact to wetland buffers, subdivision roadways, fire ponds, large and small commercial projects. We provide site design elements necessary to obtain approvals, submit applications, and attend required meetings as necessary.

We also evaluate, design and permit on-site community water systems for mobile home cooperatives, condominium or apartment residential projects, as well as for commercial retail developments. We work with subcontractors for well drilling, tank and electrical design and installation, building construction when necessary. We have done many upgrades to existing systems, including reports with recommendations and assistance for low-cost funding mechanisms.


* Single-Family Home Wetland Impact Permits

* Small to Large Commercial Project Wetland Permits

* Wetland Buffer Impact Permitting

* Spill Prevention Control Containment (SPCC) Design and Permitting

* On-Site Community Water System Design and Permitting

* NHDES Wetlands Bureau Permitting

* Maine DEP Site Location Permitting

* Massachusetts DEP Permitting

* NHDES Shoreland Protection Permitting

* NHDES Alteration of Terrain Permitting

* Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Notice of Intent/Termination (NOI/NOT) Permitting and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) and Soil Erosion & Water Pollution Control Plans (SEWPCPs)

* Groundwater Quality Monitoring and Reporting to Environmental Agencies

* Stormwater System Inspections as mandated by the EPA for MS4 towns.

* Also see Limited Impact Design (LID) services

Limited Impact Design

Jones & Beach Engineers Inc. is becoming the leader of the Seacoast advocating infiltration design systems for stormwater management. Although the science of infiltration has been around for years, there has been a recent push for better and more innovative approaches to stormwater management that go well beyond the traditional detention basin solution. Using the concept of sustaining the hydrologic cycle, Jones & Beach is implementing a number of methods and materials that infiltrate runoff, especially porous pavement and brick materials that overlie stone storage beds and sand filtration layers for better water quality into our clients’ developments and reduced flooding.

These systems take a conventional site design that requires both a structural paving system as well as closed drainage systems to include conveyance and detention basins, and converts them into one system used as a “Best Management Practice” that sustains the natural soil infiltration and groundwater recharge of a given site. These systems are designed to prevent any increase in runoff volume during the two-year frequency rainfall, provide for better water quality treatment, and they also mitigate the peak rate of runoff for all other storm events.

Low Impact Design (LID) requires yearly maintenance to ensure the stormwater viability and functionality. The key is designing the features properly so they are long-lasting and sustainable. Landscaping Design with Rain Gardens, Bioretention Cells and Gravel Wetlands provides aesthetic enhancement to the property as well. Many towns are requiring yearly Operation and Maintenance Reports to be in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations. We provide this service at many of our recently designed sites.

Jones & Beach Engineers Inc. is currently developing both residential and commercial projects using pervious systems. In the Towns of Hampton and Exeter, NH, we have designed multiple sites utilizing pervious paving systems and there were many constructed after 2008. Additional site designs using pervious pavement systems are currently under way in the municipalities of Dover, Concord, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Hampton, Barrington, Epping, and North Conway.