Project Description
Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc. (JBE) teamed with Bruce Ronayne Hamilton Architect to provide civil/site and architectural services for a 12,700 S.F. dental clinic located on Hampton Road in Exeter, NH. Exeter Health Reach Dental is an expansion of services offered by Exeter Hospital.
JBE provided the site design which included:
* Site Grading
* Stormwater design and management plan
* Sanitary sewer design with pump station upgrades
* Design and coordination for utility connections
* Parking and pedestrian access
A project highlight was the design and installation of Porous Asphalt used as a stormwater management and water quality tool. The project was designed to take all stormwater run-off generated on-site by the new construction and infiltrate it through the pavement into a gravel medium below the pavement for storage, treatment, and temperature control.